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Design and Construction of a modified Coastal Garbage Collecting Machine

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Ghasem Shafie Alamuty*, Davood Kalantari and seyed reza mousavi seyedi

The garbage ate the important pollutant of environment specially underground sweet water and seas. Collecting and repelling garages in industrial, rural and urban districts has an important role in healthiness of streams and marsh waters. This days the coastal garbage produced by the tourism, has transformed a big problem in the coastal cities of Mazandaran Province, up to now the common method of garbage collecting was handy which requested for more workers, increasing expenses & time consuming., therefore a machine was designed and constructed for performing the work mechanized. The machine is self-rotated & collect the garbage by the head inserted in frontier of the machine and transfer to the protractor band at the end part of the system. Following filling the tank, the garbage are transferable to the garbage bag with opening the exit valve.

The Analysis to Identify the Cost of Operations and the Per Capita Expenses of Students in Higher Education In stitutions of Iran (A Zahedan Payam Nour University Case Study)

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Habibeh Ghavidel Heydari

Awareness of the cost of higher education institutions ,in the exercise of effective control of system operation Performance evaluation of new targets is the higher education system. This study presents a model Tomeasure and calculate the cost of the activities, actions and services for education and research was done . The structure Organizational tasks,recognition activities, cost evaluation, treatment and classification of the types of costs Payam Noor University, Zahedan three-year period 1389to 1391 were studied . Theresults showed that the cost model to measure cost per student per course section sum Feedcosts, training, research and cultural services is welfare . Training costinflation factor of 11 Percentage of research cost 1% and 5%student welfareand %7 cultural services.

Cultural Budgets’ Productivity and the Future Challenges (A ZahedanPayamNour University Case Study)

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Habibeh Ghavidel Heydari

The present study is conducted in Alpha Higher Education center which is one of the branch centers of Beta University. Due to the focus of Beta University in 2011 a high amount of cultural credit was spent in Alpha center; however the students did not welcome the cultural programs. The results of this case study indicate that the increased productivity of the cultural credits leads to the students’ participation in the cultural program. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the non-utilization of capabilities and intellectual and cultural capacities of students in planning and absorbing heir participation. The main proposal of this study is to invite researchers to the interdisciplinary studies and demonstrate the efficiency of cultural credits based on financial and non financial information in order to provide true and accurate information for management decision making.

Investigate the relationship between human resource practices and organizational learning capacity

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Javad Mehrabi, Abbas Pezeshkpur and Ruhollah Nasiri*

The present study sought to examine the relationship between human resource practices and organizational learning capacity. The population of our tax administration is Alborz Province. In this regard, efforts have been made to the relationship between human resource practices and learning capacity (individual, team, and organization) of the tax administration of the Alborz Province review. The aim of the present study is an applied research and data collection, descriptive and correlational research. Data from the questionnaire were used organizational learning and human resource activities. The results of the comparison test and Pearson correlation coefficient (t) were used.Data were analyzed by SPSS 18 software The results show that the activity of human resources and organizational learning capacity, there was a significant relationship.

Legal review of administrative violations of administration employees in the field of healthcare

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Gholamreza Alizadeh Baghi and Ali AleBoyeh*

In this study, it has been tried to investigate the Legal Procedures of the administrative violation code in Health, Medical Care District. The Examination showed that the Prevalence of The Corruption And administrative Violations at Society Blocks the Social and National Progression and Burdens Huge Costs on The Country and Finally on People. One of the most Important Costs At Macro- Level Is The Increase of Class Difference Between the social classes of rich And Poor That Its Consequence Is The Lack Of Social Justice In views and Ideas of people that as a result the Belief To The Social System Decreases And The Mental Control of People reduces that has The Important role In the corruption and administrative violations It Diminishes the Public trust on the organizations and destroys the achievements and may Create Undesirable Image of The Islamic Society on nation thoughts , Finally, The Model Fighting Against administrative violations based on legal, management , Cultural , Economical And Civil Political According to the theoretical foundation and research findings has been presented.

The relationship between the social responsibility of club with team identification and fans' social interaction of the football premier league teams

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Ali Nazari* and Seyed Ahmad Nejad Sajadi

The aim of this research is to study the relationship between social responsibility of club with team identification and fans' social interaction of the football premier league teams. The present research is of correlation type and has been performed as a field study. The statistical universe includes all fans of premier league teams in 2013- 2014. The statistical sample was selected among the fans attended sport stadia. Considering at least 9000 fans attended each play, the sample size according to Morgan Table was estimated 380 persons ( each team: 190) and available sampling method was used. To collect data, the social responsibility standard questionnaire (Stewart, 2003) with reliability coefficient (0/88) was used. In Iran, It was validated by Bakhshandeh (2012) and its content validity and construct had been approved by him. And so the questionnaires of the team identification (Gay , 2009) with reliability 0/80 and the social interaction with reliability 0/85 (Gay 2009) were used.To analyze data, addition to descriptive statistical indexes, the statistical methods of Spearman correlation coefficient, and Kolmogorov- Smirnov were used. The results showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the aspects of club social responsibility and the team identification (r=0/31, p=0/001). Also there was a significant and positive relationship between the aspects of social responsibility and fans' social interaction (r=0/32, p=0/001).

The relationship between inflation and economic grow whit switching model and probability matrix

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Zahra Parsaeian and Seyed Yahya Abtahi*

The study of the effect of great variables on economic growth has been one of the most important issues of improved countries that have formed the economic decisions. The data of this empirical research include a specific season of the year between 1993 and 2011 that are collected through International Bank website; and the econometrics model used is the Self-Regression Threshold Vector. This model examines the relation between inflation and economic growth in a way that it is organized in the form of two equations: one, the economic growth equation, and two, the inflation equation, and in the two regimes, regime one (the lower inflation from the threshold level), and regime two (the higher inflation from the threshold level). The findings of the study show that the threshold amount of inflation estimated in Iran is 7.71. In regime one of the Gross Domestic Product equation, the coefficient of inflation variable has negative relation with the economic growth in the first and the third interval and positive relation with the economic growth in the second interval. However, the coefficient of inflation variable is only significant in the first interval. This illustrates that when the inflation is lower than the threshold value (regime one), the inflation variable can have a significant effect on the economic growth through one interval. Additionally, the findings of switching model declared that the examination of Probability Transfer Matrix shows the tendency of economy to stay more in a slump position.

Evaluate the relationship between feeling justice and engagement organization in nurse personnel in shahreza's hospital in 1392

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Razeyeh Sadri and Seyed Ali Naji*

Introduction: Justice organization refers to felling and coperheding of employees from rate of equity and justice in behavior and relationship in works Engagement organization is the important factor for forecasting the desire of people to duration of organization Thus, this research was done by this aim that to identifying the relationship between felling justice and engagement organization in nurse personnel in shahreza's hospital in 1392 and the efficiency of the organization is based in these two elements. Method of performance: This research is correlative descriptive study All the nurses employees havemore then two years records (antecedent)occupying in Amir Almomenin's and Sahebzamn's Haspital in shahreza That about 160 Of people were selected as a community and the sample of this research For collecting data use the Standard questionnaire that consisted of three parts (the first part: demographic questionnair, the second part: the questionnaire ofrveihoof and Mormen in relation to Justice organization, and the Third part: the questionnair of Alen and Mayer in relation to engagement organization. Resullt: In this research 23.1% (percent) of the participantswere in sahebzaman's hospital and 96.9%(percent) were in Amir Almomenin's hospital.16.9% were males, 4.4% of them having diploma,5.6% ingeniousness, 83.1% of them having bachelor degree and 6.9% were master degree 34.4% of the respondent were unmarried,64.4% were married and 1.3% were divorced 18.1% of the respondents having official service, 40.6% were headnurse, 73.8 were nursesand 7.5% were co- worked 36.3% were the students of Islamic Azad University and 63.8% were student of governmental university. In the case of the Second job20.6% of the participants in this research had the second job. Discussion and Conclusion: The result Showed that there is passive and meaningful correlation between justice organization and egagment organization (P<0.001)Amarg the features of justice organization each three feature means surface justice (p >%1),relationship justice (P<0.001)and distribution justice having positive correlation by engagement organization Among the features of engagement organization every three features consisted of feeling engagement organization every three features consisted of feeling engagement(P<%1), normad engagement (p<0.1(and continud engagement(p<%5) having the positive correlation by justice organization Also the feature of justice organization having the positive correlation by the features of the engagement organization. so, by regard to justice in organization we con increase the engagement organization of the employees and vice – cersa.

Survey the Relation between Life- style and Quality who Take Hemodialysis Treatment in Shiraz Medical Foundation in 2014

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Zeinab Rezaie and Sayed Ali Naji*

Introduction: Chronic kidney failure and so that necessity of hemodialysis, due to its chronic nature leads to some problems and conditions which can affect patients sleep quality and life style. Because of importance of sleep quality and life style in this kind of patients this study is done to specify the relation of hemodialysis patients’ life style and sleep quality. Methods:This study is kind of analyticaldescriptive which is done in accessible sampling methodand examined 88 hemodialysis patients who were undergoing treatment in Shiraz Medical Foundation in 2014. Data collecting was based on Pitts burg’s sleep quality standard survey and study researcher made 6 aspects life style survey. The reliability coefficient of life style survey was obtained by calculating the factor value of Cronbach’s alpha for each aspect. Data analyzing was carried out by SPSS and deductive statistics tests. Conclusions: Contexture of patients was 65.9% men (58 patients) and 34.1% women (30 patients). Patients sleep quality evaluation indicated that 25% of them suffer from sort of low sleep quality. Significant statistical relation was founded among nutrition condition, sleep and rest condition, social relation condition and stress condition (p < 0.5). Final conclusion:Scant sleep is one of the hemodialysis patients’ common problems and can lead to psychological issues. Some aspects of life style has a significant relation with these patients sleep quality. Low sleep quality and due to that psychological issues needed to receive specific consideration from medical and hygienic team specially nurses as key members of this team, as a result necessity of instruction to these patients and giving individual or in group consultation on this issue seems to be totally indispensable.

Introduction to Lyrical structure In the poem Vis and Ramin

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Mahdi Oveysi Keykha* and Mahdiye Rahmatikeykha

Poetry romance stories In fact A sea of endless ocean Lyrical Persian literature Are considered. Lyrical literature or (lyric) In Persian literature Despite of Examples masterpiece In different subjects, In the area Erotica In the Story of Love, Lyric poetry and lyricism of the ode As Supreme Examples of Persian literature Are, Vis and Ramin poem effect Fakhruddin As'ad Gorgani Although The first poem is not erotica But as an Effective poem Lyrical structures poem of love Is And if Two factors Theme of the story Which corresponds to the Before Islam And the emergence of the great poet As Nizami Ganjavi In the absence of a century later This Poem It could be the best Poems romantic In Persian literature Be considered. Story, Vis and Ramin, What before Composing the system And then About Eighth century. The As one of the stories was raised And to the role of As a result of effective Was unaware of Persian literature.

The growth of Iran economy during the recession and boom

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Zahra Parsaeian* and Fatemeh Etemad Moghadam

The study of the effect of great variables on economic growth has been one of the most important issues of improved countries that have formed the economic decisions. The data of this empirical research include a specific season of the year between 1993 and 2011 that are collected through International Bank website; and the econometrics model used is the Self-Regression Threshold Vector. This model examines the relation between inflation and economic growth in a way that it is organized in the form of two equations: one, the economic growth equation, and two, the inflation equation, and in the two regimes, regime one (the lower inflation from the threshold level), and regime two (the higher inflation from the threshold level). The findings of the study show that the threshold amount of inflation estimated in Iran is 7.71. In regime one of the Gross Domestic Product equation, the coefficient of inflation variable has negative relation with the economic growth in the first and the third interval and positive relation with the economic growth in the second interval. Furthermore, the graphs related to economic growth in the switching model showed that during the period of study on the economics of Iran, the slump period duration lasted more than the flow period duration.

Study the Relationship between Intellectual Capital Management and Entrepreneurship in the Employees of Municipality District 10 Tehran

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Mehdi Rouholamini, Ardvan Arbabi* and Kaveh Azinfar

The main goal of this research is to identify the relationship between Intellectual Capital Management in the municipality of district 10 of Tehran and its employees’ entrepreneurship. Owing to the nature of the subject, the correlation type description has been employed. The statistical population of the research includes all personnel and managers of municipality district 10 Tehran, consisting 969 individuals. The Kergesy and Morgan table was used in selecting 274 individuals to serve as the population samples. Bontis Intellectual Capital Management (2004) and Beich entrepreneurship evaluation (2007) standard questionnaires were used in data collection in the present research. The analysis results showed significant and positive relationship between the Intellectual Capital and all its dimensions; that is, human capital, structural capital and communication capital (customer) with the entrepreneurship in municipality district 10 of Tehran. In addition, the results indicated significant differences between the entrepreneurship degrees found in the studied employees based on their age and education characteristics; nonetheless, no significant difference was found between the entrepreneurship in female and male personnel.

Assessing the Reformation and Reconstruction plan of the Central Texture of the Town of Kermanshah

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Milad Noroozi

The overall aim of this study is to determine the degree of realization as well as examining its enforcers and inhibitors which are in the form of social, economic and physical objectives. The theoretical framework and research hypotheses require that the field research should be applied for collecting and analyzing the data. Data collection was performed through visiting organizations, individuals and distribution of questionnaires. The statistical universe of the research included all residents and shopkeepers based in the central texture of the town of Kermanshah. According to the census undertaken in 2006, the population based in the central texture of the town of Kermanshah was approximately 16000 and 480 were chosen to be studied through simple random sampling and the sampling tables of Kregcie & Morgan. In the present study, the simulative and criterion credibilities were utilized to assess the validity of the research and in addition, the factor analysis was used to assess the structure credibility and more to the point, The Cronbach Alpha was used to obtain the reliability of the research tool. The data were analyzed through the indices of descriptive statistics, crisscross tables, correlation coefficients and variance analysis. Therefore, all of the variables were described in the form of frequency distribution tables by the indices of descriptive statistics and crisscross tables of the statistical samples. Also, as for analyzing the relations of independent and dependent variables, variance analysis, F test and Pearson Correlation Test were applied. Based on the first hypothesis, the research states that,” It seems that the reformation and reconstruction plan of the central texture of the town of Kermanshah has not been capable of achieving its objectives and anticipations”, which has been verified in six stages of studying. Therefore, the first main hypothesis was supported (HO). Eventually, both hypotheses were supported and their sub hypotheses were supported, too. As for the reasons for the lack of success of the plan, such items as a lack of favorable political conditions, lack of managers and urban authorities’ trust in participation, imposing the opinions of individuals, time, energy and capital shortages, lack of interest in participation on the part of interfering institutions, lack of establishment of participation and lack of trustees can be named.

Social prevention of crimes against public decency

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Amir Miri and Moosa Akefi Ghaziani*

One of the current crimes of Iran society is the crimes against public decency that family has the main role. The present research has been performed to study the temporary marriage in the social prevention of the crimes against public decency. The main question of this study is to investigate whether the temporary marriage can reduce crimes against public decency? The population includes all people who had temporary marriage and the statistical sample is 200 persons who have been selected by available sampling. The instrument of this research is a questionnaire made by researcher that has the acceptable validity and reliability. The methods of statistical analysis include mean, standard deviation, chi – square test, one – cities. The main purpose of this research is to explain temporary marriage as one predictive role in the crime area that… finally, it has been identified that there is a direct relationship between temporary marriage and pretention of crime against public decency. The level of this relationship is height, we can benefit by mare precise planning and promotion of this in the preventive area.

Evaluation the relationship between competition and management accounting systems change and performance of companies

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Norouzi E*, H Panahian and GH Aghajani Mazandarani

World trading and increase in complexity of commerce along with substantial advance in technology caused development of methods and techniques of management accounting on one hand with trend of growth and increasing importance of those techniques, their performance evaluation have been considers this research has been carried out and measurement samples with 120 questionnaires from accounting managers and experts in production companies accepted in Tehran stock exchange valuable papers and also the service companies of 3 food, health and make up and dress companies. This research is an applied research from aim point of views from research point of view; its combination is analytical – descriptive. By using correlation and regression method, the research assumptions were tested. The result showed that between competition and management accounting change in most effective factors. There are significant relationships. Also, between company operation with competition and management accounting change, a linear relationship exists.

The effect of K0 on the boundary conditions to tunnels

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Aryan Maleki Dizaji*٫ Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki and Seyyed Amir Hossein Beheshti

This paper presents the results of numerical analysis of K0 on the boundary conditions in tunnels excavated in rock masses with strain-softening post-failure behaviour. Modeling of tunnels is done with software Phase2 that is a 2D finite element program. Three boundary types box, circle and hull and expansion factor of 7 are considered for modeling. The results of the evaluations show that in modeling of tunnels, the shape of the external boundary is important and with decreasing the values of K0, the displacement around tunnels has increased but the style of deformation has maintained uniform. Furthermore, in the rocks with strain-softening behaviour, by increasing the values of GSI, the displacement around tunnels has strongly decreased for all boundary conditions.

Designing an Ultra Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converter: A 8-bit 144nW 40MHz 90nm D/A

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Reza Daolatabadi* and Mojtaba Mohammadpoor

In this paper an ultra-low power Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) for ultra-low power applications is presented. A number of techniques are used to reduce the power consumption and relatively boost the speed of the DAC. These techniques include low current source and mirrors besides using low-voltage design with the aid of supply voltage as low as 1v. The circuit is designed in 90nm CMOS technology and simulations show that the 8-bit DAC consumes almost 144nW, 176nW and 615nW at the speeds of 40MHz, 46MHz and 50MHz respectively, i.e. it minimally dissipates only 144nW. Lower values couldn’t be obtainable due to negative effects of lower scaled current sources on circuit performance. Higher speeds can be achievable at the cost of more power dissipation. There salts show that the proposed DAC could seriously compete with other DACs in ultra-low power applications, having relatively higher speed in comparison to its counterparts.

Review of developments underground economy developments in IRAN

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Asra Hosseini, Zahra Nasrollahi* and Syed Yahya Abtahi

The underground economy is a part of the economy of all countries, particularly developing countries and has serious repercussion on the economy performance and can cause deviations from correct detecting the state of economy and administrating wrong policies. So, detecting the size of this sector is a challenge for the policy-makers. Therefore, the present study was to estimate the size of the underground economy in the years 1973-2010. In order to estimate the size of the underground economy, the structural equation modeling and multiple causes- multiple effects method was applied using Amos Graphic software. Our results suggest that the average size ratio of underground economy to gross domestic product (GDP) during the period under study (1973-2010) was 16.16%.

Estimation of underground economy in Iran and its relationship with financial development: application ARDL

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Asra Hosseini, Zahra Nasrollahi* and Syed Yahya Abtahi

The underground economy is a part of the economy of all countries, particularly developing countries and has serious repercussion on the economy performance and can cause deviations from correct detecting the state of economy and administrating wrong policies. One of concerns of politicians is determination of size and using of strategy methods for decreasing in size and sectional control. Financial development is one of the effective factor for this part and it causes reduction in credit costs and induce reduction for activity in underground parts. For the investigation of financial development on underground economy, we use Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). In this article, we have used structural equation modelling and multi-index methods. The results show that the ratio of the underground economy volume to gross domestic product were 16.16 percent in 1973 to 2009 and for increasing in monetary development, the underground economy size reduce to 0.21 percent. Also, the results show that the financial development had negative and significant effect on the underground economy on short and long time.

Estimation of underground economy in Iran and its relationship with financial development: application ARDL

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Asra Hosseini, Zahra Nasrollahi* and Syed Yahya Abtahi

The underground economy is a part of the economy of all countries, particularly developing countries and has serious repercussion on the economy performance and can cause deviations from correct detecting the state of economy and administrating wrong policies. One of concerns of politicians is determination of size and using of strategy methods for decreasing in size and sectional control. Financial development is one of the effective factor for this part and it causes reduction in credit costs and induce reduction for activity in underground parts. For the investigation of financial development on underground economy, we use Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). In this article, we have used structural equation modelling and multi-index methods. The results show that the ratio of the underground economy volume to gross domestic product were 16.16 percent in 1973 to 2009 and for increasing in monetary development, the underground economy size reduce to 0.21 percent. Also, the results show that the financial development had negative and significant effect on the underground economy on short and long time.

Financial Crises and Marketing Expenditure Effect: Dynamic Panel Data Approach

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Mohamad Makizadeh and Yahya Abtahi*

Attentions to the acceleration of globalization and the global economic crisis that all countries will be affected directly and indirectly, through the crisis is important for the companies and one way out of the crisis, manages the marketing costs. One of risk and management dimensions is financial crisis in small and large companies. Management of marketing expenditure is very significant in this case. This study examines impact of marketing costs upon performance of 25 companies in Iran in period of economic stability, during financial crisis, and after financial crisis from 2002 to 2012. The result of this study using dynamic panel data model showed softened impact of marketing expenditure upon net sales in financial crisis period as compared with period of economic stability.

Investigate the relationship between inflation, exchange rate and economic growth with sales of companies in times of economic crisis

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Mohamad Makizadeh and Yahya Abtahi*

One of risk and management dimensions is financial crisis in small and large companies. Management of marketing expenditure is very significant in this case. This study examines impact of marketing costs upon performance of 25 companies in Iran in period of economic stability, during financial crisis, and after financial crisis from 2002 to 2012. The result of this study using dynamic panel data model showed softened impact of marketing expenditure upon net sales in financial crisis period as compared with period of economic stability. Estimates indicate that costs 1 Rials in marketing , leading to increased sales of 58 Rials, and even during the global economic crisis, this figure is equivalent to 26 Rials. The analyses notice the importance of marketing expenditures on sales in Iran. Especially during the crises periods and after, marketing expenditures are found as having significant effects on sales.

Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediment and Tissues of Gara Fish from the City of Khash, South East of Iran

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Sanaz Khammar1* and Esmaeil Karamzahi

In the present study, some heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb) in sediment and their accumulation in Gara organs (gill, muscle, fin and gonads) were investigated. For this purpose, samples were collected from three rivers Eskel Abad, Dehpabid and Bidaster in the city of Khash,(South East of Iran) in spring 2013. Heavy metal levels in sediment and fish samples were analyzed by atomic absorption device Konic NOVAA300 according to the proportion of μg/g in dry weight. The analysis of heavy metals in sediments indicated that among the four heavy metals tested, Zn had the highest concentration, followed by Cu, Ni and Pb. Studies on all the different parts of the fish revealed Zn had the highest accumulating level in fish and Pb and Ni had the lowest. According to the results, heavy metal concentrations in the edible parts of Gara were well within the limits set by the FDA,WHO, NHMRC and UK MAFF recommendations and showed that the fish from investigated region are safety permissible level for human consumption.

Studying the evolutions of Islamic penal code 2013 in the local domain of criminal law

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Salam Badpa and Mahmoud Boulaq*

This paper evaluated changes in the Penal Code in 2013 in the field of criminal law designated place. New Islamic penal was finally approved by legal and juridical commission of the Islamic consultative Assembly in 2013 and accepted by the council of Guardians. The type of research, analytical and library tools have been done, the problem is that the new law is that the return to the previous years, such as 1991? Which is entitled "The scope of the criminal law enforcement in place" In fact, the determination of "territory where the credibility of the criminal law" Iran, the Islamic Penal Code of 1991 and the changes that can be made from them named as new developments in the law Took. Results showed that the most important innovation of the new law is the personal jurisdiction reactive (negative) for crimes committed against Iranian citizens abroad.